As we are moving towards our new service at Bucharest Chrisitan Academy, I thought we'd give you some information about the place... take a second and learn more!
The Mission of Bucharest Christian Academy: “BCA exists to provide a Christ-centered quality education primarily serving missionary and Christian expatriate families. BCA prepares students spiritually, academically, and socially, through a Biblical worldview, to face the challenges of living in today’s world. As a primary outcome of our mission, BCA students will be equipped to influence the world through Biblical thought, character, and action.”
By supporting us in our ministry of BCA, you are contributing to the Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20; Mark 16:15; Luke 24:47; Acts 1:8).
Consider the following:
The parents of BCA students minister in a great variety of roles with a number of mission agencies. Their work includes evangelism, leadership training, church planting, university work, orphanage work, and youth work. Many of these parents say they would not be in Romania if it were not for the ministry of BCA.
Many of the students at BCA are involved in their parents’ ministries. All high school students participate in community service projects.
Many missionary kids eventually become missionaries themselves.
Some of the students come from non-Christian families, and a number of these have come to faith in Christ through the ministry of the school. Many of the non-Christian families have come from Asian countries, such as China, Japan, and Indonesia.
The population of Bucharest is only about 1% evangelical.
Europe has a lower percentage of evangelical believers than any other continent.

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