Thursday, March 01, 2007


....a neighbor helped me carry groceries in from outside, up the stairs, to our front door last night... probably one of the first real interactions with a new neighbor because our building is huge and everyone uses an elevator.... a big city mentality here

....Applebee's is coming to our local mall and we can't believe it!

....the same mall has gone "smoke-free...." no offense, but Romanians love their cigarettes so some are hiding them under the food court tables is March 1, a big day for women here and then again on March 8


becky said...

**Gasp!** Applebee's - in our country?!? I'm drooling while envisioning a road trip in my near future! Opening when? Where?

todd said...

Bucuresti Mall.... not sure when, Becky, but you're welcomed here for the big event!