Tuesday, September 18, 2007


In the "life goes on" department, we've been marching on. This past week has been flooded with memories and tears and laughter and all of those things. We're doing well and we're remembering and I'm so thankful to have had Raoul ....funny how we can appreciate loss so much better when we understand it all.

We went to Lipscani last weekend. It's an older part of the city where the communists never got around to destroying it with the power of concrete. It's filled with glass and antique shops, trendy cafes and tourists, tourists and more tourists!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You finally made it to old Bucharest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to steal that Starbucks Romania cup?!?! Where did you find that? The pictures are beautiful, I am little mission-sick for Romania just looking at them.