Friday, September 28, 2007


I decided to change it up a bit, needed something different. Maybe like life right now. Do you ever feel like saying, "OK, we can slow the ride down now!" That is where I am. The past few weeks have been such a blow and the perpetual motion (which serves a great purpose) is tiring in the process. I'm too old, too smart and too informed to stick my head in the sand..... but it is always a sting to see life march on relentlessly in spite of what we're experiencing. Oh well....

We're almost "home" in the Lisa will be back Tuesday afternoon. The girls have been troopers, done quite well in her absence, but ready for "Mama to be home." I'm as ready as they are! Today is a school hoiday for us all and it is warm and almost summer-time outside. We've got to go to the grocery store in a little while then I'm forcing them outdoors. We all need a break from each other.

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