Monday, December 22, 2008


We're heading to the village tomorrow to spend Christmas with a Romanian family we know and love. Their place is simple and primitive to some people, but it is cozy, warm and filled with love. Life there is different, difficult and they chose to be there. It is a place we've spent a lot of time over these past five years.

As the New Year closes (again), I am drawn to the events of this year in my life. I've lived a very difficult year, as has all of my family. We've weathered the fallout of some deep and painful issues in my life that God saw mercifully to bring out to us. As we've done this year, there has been pain, joy, success and failure. It sounds a lot like life. I've seen myself pursue the Lord then "tuck tail' and run the other way because I was afraid of the intimacy it entails. I've fallen (too many times) into despair and self-pity, relying on the habits of the flesh and the past. I have, fortunately, always risen. We've been led to leave Romania, move to Texas and start "another" new life next summer..... as we do these things, we ask for your prayers!

Here's to the next year as we pursure God's blessings and favor and wisdom and guidance.

"I have set the Lord continually before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore, my heart is glad, my glory rejoices and my flesh will also dwell securely."

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