Friday, October 26, 2007


King Mihai turns 86

King Mihai yesterday celebrated his birthday. His Majesty turned 86. Mihai I of Romania is the son of King Carol II. He was born in Sinaia, on October 25, 1921. He was the King of Romania from 1927 until 1930, after his death of his grandfather, King Ferdinand, and his father’s renouncing the throne. Mihai I was King of Romania a second time, from 1940 until 1947. He was forced to abdicate on December 30, 1947, when he had to flee the country and went to Switzerland where he remained until the spring of 1992, when he was allowed for the first time back to the country.

1 comment:

The Book Guy said...

Yyou may be interested to know that what is marketed now and Dracula's Castle in Bran was never occupied by him. It's greatest fame prior to now was as King Mihai's mother's summer residence. She was Queen Marie, consort to Mihai's father, King Carol.