Sunday, October 10, 2010


It seems that life for our family has been, of late, about migration ~ moving forward. As most of you know, we've spent the last 15 months in San Antonio. She has proven to be a warm, breezy city that flows with the gentle winds of flour tortillas, lazy plam trees, and colorful lights that twinkle in the night skies. We have loved it!

Alas, the Lord has blown some changes our way again and we are heading back to our original home in South Carolina. So many things have led us to this point, and these are a few of them: my mom needs us there to assist in her care at the nursing home now, our girls are longing for time with all of their grandparents there, we all feel a "homesickness" for the familiar of home, we are somehow ending our seven year journey of missions abroad, and we are looing for a place we can settle our girls for a while.

We will be leaving Texas over Halloween weekend and heading "that way," as we say. As Steven Curtis Chapman says, "this is the great adventure."

1 comment:

Livemalls said...

It'll be good for you guys to go back east. I'm sure you have some family in South Caroline that will be happy to be closer to you.

I love all the photos, too. You have a way of capturing a moment that is exceptional.