Thursday, November 08, 2007


I've tried many times to get this pix taken as we whiz by the spot in the car.... never got it just right ....thanks Tony! This is a famous Coca-Cola bottle (it now even has straws in the glass) night, the lighting makes it look like the drink is pouring into the glass and it fills, then empties and starts over. The girls love it! This stands on the edge of an apartment building at Piata Romana near downtown.


Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I have seen that before!! Thanks for the picture Todd. What a reminder of the big City!


Tony and Chrissy Barbusca said...

You stealing pictures again?

The Book Guy said...

I can't say I looked up to see this, but I have often admired the “She-Wolf Statue”. I avoid the American-source fastfood there and patronize the others, except when a Romanian friend insists.